Special Services and Special Music

We love music! We are fortunate to have beautiful organ music and hymn accompaniment in every single one of our services.

We love to sing! We come from a great variety of different traditions, thus bringing a wealth of different styles and tunes into our services.

We enjoy listening to beautiful music! Many times, we have special music in our services by the Petri Choir or another musical group or by a soloist.

Nine Lessons and Carols

Everybody's favorite: Our service of Nine Lessons and Carols which is held on the third Sunday of December. We get to enjoy the beautiful singing of the Petri Choir led by Hagen Heinicke, and in the last years we have also had the Handbell Choir led by Ellen Grützmacher. What a beautiful way to celebrate the Christmas season!

World Day of Prayer

In March of 2022, we celebrated World Day of Prayer for the very first time. The order of service is prepared by a committee of Christian women from different denominations.  The exciting part is that the committee is from a different country every year, so we get to "travel" to a different country every year and hear the stories of women from that country.

In 2022, the World Day of Prayer came from England, Wales, and North Ireland, regions that obviously many of our visitors have a special connection to. We have since celebrated a service from Taiwan in 2023 and from Palestine in 2024. The 2025 service will be from the Cook Islands. Find out more.

Artwork by Tarani Napa and Tevairangi Napa, © 2023 World Day of Prayer International Committee, Inc.