We need your support!
The running costs of Hannover International Worship amount to about €1,500 annually.
- The Petri-Nikodemus congregation bears the costs of heating and power etc. throughout the year.
- The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hannover gives an annual grant of €500.
- A Circle of Friends, established at the beginning of 2007, contributes towards covering the costs.
We are very grateful for all this support; however, we depend upon further financial support in order to cover the running costs. Please consider becoming a Friend of Hannover International Worship! It’s quite simple:
Remit €20 or more by making an annual standing order to the following account:
Account holder: Stadtkirchenkasse Hannover
IBAN: DE54520604100000006114
Bank: Evangelische Bank
Purpose of payment: Internationale Gottesdienste (HIW)
Thank you for your support and for making Hannover International Worship possible!